Wednesday, March 27, 2013


My boys are in hockey clothing, morning, noon and night! I want them to look cleaned up and pulled together no matter where we are headed and there are generally objections that my version of cleaned up is not 'cool'!   When we head out of the hockey arenas, deck areas, skating rinks, I never know if we are going out to catch dinner or shop or just go home and I want my Hockey Boys to look just a bit pulled together! My boys have not been too happy with me requesting basic change ups of their favorite sports sandals to shoes, until   LUGZ set the boys up with really great shoes! We were taking part in a national magazine photo shoot and LUGZ set the boys up with shoes so they would look just right and things have been 'good-looking' every since!

LUGZ offers a variety of high top sneakers that come in a bunch of fun colors! Colors that match many of the hockey shirts that are out there, like bright blues, reds, yellows, etc..

The LUGZ you see in this photo will be a national magazine that I just took part of a photo shoot in! The boys love their LUGZ.  

The white LUGZ on my younger son are ZROCS-DX, they are a great looking sneaker.  These are white with a metallic 'L' logo on them.  The blue LUGZ on my older son are ALLERTON RIPSTOP and they come in so many colors it would be hard for any child to not be totally 'cool' in these as they can pick their favorite colors and style them with every team shirt they have!

The LUGZ shoes are Bold and Colorful and add balance to any outfit when coordinated right! Add in the fact that the shoes wear well, are trendy, youthful, and can be added to any outfit, not just sports outfits you have a Great Sneaker and  LUGZ are great shoes!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MoGo In Our Lives

I often tell you about MoGo Flavored Mouthguards, but they are honestly really tasty! Yes that is funny to say that mouthguards for Hockey are tasty, but it's true.  The different flavors really have my boys hooked and they do not fight me to put them in their mouths!

The other day, we were doing a photo shoot with RedBook Magazine and my daughter had taken a photo of me hanging out in the car, and look what was in the front seat with me~ mouthguards by MoGo.

WE have mouthguards all over the car because the boys never know which flavor they want and these handy containers keep them free from all debris, because you know when they chuck those mouthguards into their bags they are all slick from spit!  The spit then collects debris, but that stops when you have these containers! We love our MoGo!

*this is not a sponsored post

Monday, March 25, 2013



With 2 boys fully indulged in hockey, I am always buying sticks, tape, gloves, skates, nets, pucks, balls, guards, etc., and I am always on the run! What I have discovered is a way to actually purchase HOCKEY equipment online and have it sent to the door, which creates one less stop on my errand schedule!

To save money and time on hockey equipment, simply go to Coupon Chief and fill in the search bar with the word 'HOCKEY' and it will simply populate all possible coupons that are available from online hockey retailers.  It is that easy!

I love driving my boys wherever we have to show up for hockey, no matter where the pick up game is, or the scrimmage it is always fun because they love all the new locations-- what I am not so fond of , is searching out the local hockey stores to replace equipment that we are in need of  because it either breaks or just needs replaced when it runs out(tape, etc)

I have been making my life so much easier as I have been shopping online and receiving FREE SHIPPING codes.  I have found a bunch of them at Coupon Chief! I have begun relying on Coupon Chief for discounted, online purchase codes as well as free shipping, two items that equate to large savings! Who
knew you could play hockey and save money?


Variety matters.  We have seen a lot of products in local stores, but there are virtually hundreds of products when we look at online stores, their inventories are in most cases so much more expansive and allow me to fill every request my kids have in each item that we carefully select, because even at 9 & 12 my kids have preferences in hockey equipment!  Online also boasts so many different retailers to shop from which creates more variety in what I am purchasing. Here are a few that I have been using for purchasing online, and Coupon Chief offers plenty more stores that have savings for you!

Total Hockey is offering $10 off $50 - that's easy to drop in one purchase!

Hockey Monkey is offering 10% off anything on the website and 20% off clearance items! 

It is possible to save money and play hockey! Even better, it is better to save time while shopping from the comfort of your couch or bed, and the best part... the hockey equipment shows up on your front porch! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I love MoGo Flavored Mouthguards for my kids, we never play hockey without a flavored mouthguard in their mouths! Hockey means sticks flying everywhere, and this means- protect thy mouth and no one does this better than MoGo! MoGo is offering a great giveaway including 2 tickets to your NHL Game of Choice, plus a $100 GIFT CARD  to TOTAL HOCKEY(our favorite)  

As with any giveaway, you can't win, if you don't enter.  So don't let this chance pass you by.
Enter at this link

a hockey mom reviews is not affiliated with this giveaway

Athletic Bodies - Information You Need

Becoming the lead athlete in the industry is every sports player's dream, achieve that body takes a committed person that wants to make a difference in the sports industry and in their particular game.

 Hockey conditioning places priority on aerobic systems and aerobic endurance because hockey is high energy, spurts that can leave you breathless, if you are not conditioned. Running, jogging, and then walking again are all ways great examples to show aerobic endurance training and how it parallels hockey. One minute you might be skating at super speed and the next you are stopped while the refs are making a call. Upper body strength training is another area of great focus for hockey players because strength training helps with shots on goal, acceleration and distance of shots.

 While these are just a few traits of hockey training and conditioning here are a few more about other sports that require particular strength and other training. Becoming a committed athlete takes work and commitment. Here's to great training and being the best in every sport that you do! Athlete Bodies Infographic
Presented By TapouTĀ® XT sponsored post

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Coaches Gifts

This is the end of our season, play-offs are in full swing and the poor coaches are getting an earful from all the parents, the kids, the refs and every one in between.  The parents are trying to promote their kids for more play time, the refs are arguing with the coach for their calls made and the kids just yell, scream and shout in the lockers rooms, pretty much chaos all the way around! Hockey season, full throttle!

The end of the year is time to pay homage and respect to the person that has literally spent more one on one time with your child than you! How do you say 'thank-you' to the person that is your child's mentor, and guide throughout all the ups and downs of hockey, tournaments and drills?

Our team has decided it is time for a new white board for the head coach and token gifts for the assistant coaches.  Last year everyone received gift cards for their favorite restaurants.  Each year it is different because every coach is different.  While there is no right or wrong answer it is important that we all take a moment to remember, your little 'prodigy' would not be the little person they are without a great coach, and coaching takes time! Remember that your presents are to be as individual as the coach, themselves, there are no right or wrong gifts or gift amounts, the only thing that could be wrong is NOT remembering you coach and assistant coaches!

Good Luck to all the little hockey players and all the moms and dads that shuffle the kids from arena to arena! Go little Hockey Pucks!

All thoughts within this blog are mine, yours may differ!

Monday, March 4, 2013


As a hockey mom of 2 little boys, all I can say is that photo snapping runs deep in my veins.  I simply can't take enough photos of my kids playing hockey, making shots on goal, goofing around in the locker rooms, hanging in the arenas with their friends, action filled photos of my kids rock! There are no screened shots here, just crystal clear photos, that I enlarge into poster size photos and then set in great frames!

One of the best seasons we celebrated in hockey was the year past, when my one son was playing on a mini travel team.  The competition was incredibly fierce, and as the plays and techniques challenged their skills, I challenged mine by taking just 'right' photos.  I actually took so many photos that I had a tough time choosing what should be made into photo albums versus large frames!  I was sorting pictures on overtime.  While the decisions were tough,such as which photos to frame versus which photos to make into posters,  I do believe that Poster Frame Depot could have come to my rescue while I was querying for frames as there are colors and many different sizes to match your every photo!  The Poster Frame Depot is literally a one stop shop for all things framed!

Poster Frame Depot offers a hockey mom or a hockey dad great options, at great prices, and the frames are super easy to assemble. The frames are all held together with sturdy hardware which is a must when hanging posters.  The frames will offer you a way to protect those treasured one time shots that your little Crosby, Malkin or Robitaille make while playing on their respective teams.  Don't be delayed, dive on into Poster Frame Depot and check out their great selection of frames! There is not better time for your hockey stars to shoot and score while you slapshot the photo into a frame!Your kids will be tripping over each other to see their great framed hockey shots!

Hyper Smash
This is a sponsored post.  Opinions are mine, however yours may differ.